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Old 08-22-2012, 08:32 AM   #1
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Unhappy Problem with Rescue - Need Advice Please

I adopted a 15-week old Morkie pup from a rescue over the weekend. "Momo" was returned to the rescue by her previous owner. According to the rescue, the previous owners (Jeff) thought she was too anxious. She would throw a fit in her crate, constantly bark, etc. The rescue gave me what remained of her daily anti-anxiety medication. They also told me that Momo was recovering from kennel cough. She had been with her previous owners for 3 weeks.

The rescue told me that despite returning Momo, Jeff & his family had become very attached to her. They gave me little notes from Jeff about her temperament, eating habits, potty schedule, vet information, insurance information & transfer paperwork, etc. They also requested that Momo's new owners contact them with an update.

I made a Tuesday vet appt for Momo. Prior to her appt, I contacted her old vet to request her records be transferred. I also called Jeff to let him know how Momo was doing.

Through the course of getting Momo's history together, I discovered that when Jeff originally adopted her (3 wks ago), she was recovering from kennel cough. That later developed into pneumonia. She was close to death when she was hospitalized on 8/6. From 8/6 to 8/18, Jeff & his family took care of her until the rescue was able to take her to be rehomed.

After Momo's vet appt yesterday, we discovered that her white blood cell count is still high. She's still sick. We were at the vet for 3 HOURS doing various tests, an x-ray, blood work, an antibiotic injection etc. (I totally took her off the Puppy Paxil from the get go, by the way.)

My question is...should I contact the rescue & hold them responsible for any of my medical bills/adoption fee? Momo does have insurance. However, I told my vet that I wanted to be as aggressive as possible with her treatment. I need this little pup to get healthy NOW & get on with her life. So I'm pretty sure that a lot of what we had done was not "necessary", therefore would not be covered.

I do not mind spending the money on Momo. I'm not after money. I'm grateful that I have the resources to help her. I'm more concerned about the fact that the rescue organization told me NOTHING about her medical issues. Their main concern seemed to be her "anxiety". I'm also concerned for the amount of time & energy Jeff and his family put into nursing this pup back to health.

I realize that this is a rescue organization, not some BYB. All of my pets are rescues. I truly believe in what they do. I know they have limited funds & I feel guilty about asking them to pay me back. I've been thinking about contacting the rescue just to let them know what's going on & that I'm upset about it. But will they take me seriously? Or am I overreacting?

Btw, my husband is absolutely livid & wants to be reimbursed for everything. I'm trying to keep a cooler head about things.

Any thoughts and/or suggestions would be REALLY appreciated. I'm really torn about this whole situation & I'm not sure how to handle it.

Thanks for reading my long post.
Teresa, Yoshi, Momo & Prima
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