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Old 07-31-2012, 12:21 PM   #31
Rosehill Yorkies
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"Cheaper" did not even enter into the formula! Believe me, I can spitz money off with the best of them! And when it comes to my dogs, I go where they can get the best care, regardless of price. It was a question of allowing that pup to continue to atrophy in the undone hip, until she recovered from the first procedure, then going back in, back under anesthesia, and doing the other hip later. I could not get any rationale that made any sense to me, from any of these vets that wanted to stage the surgery. Most had just never done the surgery in both hips at the same time and THEY were not comfortable doing it. This was NOT a good enough reason for me to allow that pup to have a procedure that an experienced vet can do easily and successfully in one setting. I had much support from vets around the Nation, that happened to agree with my rationale, for wanting to use a vet that was comfortable doing both hips at once. Dr Terrel was well known by the vets I spoke with at his alma mater, and I was comfortable with their recommendation. I would have never gone to any surgeon that I did not feel was capable of doing the procedure, and doing it well, regardless of what the charges were. I know this man's credentials, and I know the man himself, and I was comfortable with his expertise and experience. He specializes in orthopedics, although he is not board certified. His 25+ years of experience doing these surgeries, successfully, more than qualifies him as capable in MY opinion. I am terrified of dentists. I went to a "board certified cosmetic dentist" in order to get a tooth filled, because he had a technique of giving injections in your mouth that you would never even feel the injection! I paid at LEAST 5x's what a regular dentist charges, for nothing but a filling, JUST so he wouldnt hurt me with that horse needle in my mouth! No, I dont shy away from spending money when the situation calls for it....I was comfortable with Dr. Terrel, and as usual, he did an excellent job, and that pup has done absolutely just as well as she would have done had I chosen to have the surgery "staged", by a board certified surgeon. I think P-Nuts mom has already chosen her vet, he has over 30+ years experience, and I am not sure if he is board certified...but she is comfortable with what he has told her, and she has chosen to go his route. I am sure the surgery will be a success and it is probably what is best for THAT pup. I dont think his hips are as bad as the pup I was helping with, so the pain and muscle atrophy may not be as much of a concern.
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