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Old 07-11-2012, 11:07 AM   #182
YT 500 Club Member
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Originally Posted by gemy View Post
My heart truly goes out to you and Cassie. And for Muffin too.

In terms of bed time; could you put her in a crate and then put the crate on your bed so she could be with you?

In terms of Muffin and Cassie being together, try walking them out on leads together. Also a swimming pool is wonderful exercise, first one by one, and then together. Swimming will cushion all the joints, and even cushion a dog bumping into the other.

Just one other thing, do not ever second guess your decision on non surgery; you did make the best decision for your dog, and your life.

Hugs to you
Hi there, and hugs back to you

Actually, she has never been crate trained and she HATES the crate (LOL) (I've tried it before) She doesn't even like the playpen I got her. I think she just does not like to feel penned in or to have walls around her. I think she feels like she is in jail and keeps scratching and trying to get out of the crate and this is a tiny tiny crate I have, just her size, so I think she is claustrophobic and she is not a happy girl being in a crate.

Cassie also hates water-she panics around water-I can't tell you how much she hates it and struggles to get out of it. Bath times are truly traumatic for her and I do try to minimize those events. My worry is even bringing her in to have her groomed. I mean, she REALLY needs it, she smells like pee, her hair is all tangled, etc. My father is very against having her groomed. He thinks they will hurt her, but I can't go forever without having her groomed, it just isn't healthy!!! I want to get her hair cut short like a puppy cut like Muffin (see Picture further back in thread). But I do worry about having her groomed and trusting a groomer to be EXTREMELY gentle and careful with her.

I might try to walk them together on leads around the house, but Muffin tends to want to pull ahead and Cassie has difficulty walking any great distance without stopping for a break. She also hop walks, and Muffin walks normally. Cassie gets exhausted walking with only a few steps, so walking them together has always been very difficult because Cassie always wants to stop and take a break and Muffin is always ready to go. They are challenging little munchkins. But they are my heart and soul.

Thanks, Shellie
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