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Old 06-29-2012, 08:11 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by MommytoMiles View Post
Happy Happy Birthday Bijou!!! I love that name. If I ever have a girl doggie I will name her that. I had a Facebook puppy named Bijou via the my puppy game. Now that I have a real. Puppy I have no time for the virtual puppy lol.
Awwww thank you!!!! I loved the name when my daughter suggested it too . We'd love to see another Bijou in our YT family

Originally Posted by southernbelle04 View Post
Happy Birthday!!!
. Thank You!!!!!!

Originally Posted by rubymoon2072 View Post
Happy Happy Birthday! Great party pics glad you had an awesome time!
So sweet!!! Thank you!!!!!
Gennie, mommy to my two loves: Bambi & Bijou
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