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Old 06-13-2012, 01:09 PM   #5
Zachary's Mom
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Originally Posted by SWHouston View Post
Just in case you're serious ??...

At your first attempt to brush, it's possible that Zach may not "immediately" like the toothpaste. So, you might try putting a little Peanut Butter on the Toothbrush, or, some other known substance which he will enjoy more. Most dogs don't mind the brushing it's self, they sorta think it's a little play thing at first (my experience with it).

Keep in mind, it's just like how we do it, upward/downward strokes are really better to remove debris.

Yes, I am VERY serious!!! I am almost 65 and have NEVER brushed a dogs teeth just didn't do stuff like that "in the olden days". I don't think there is much hope for my other 5 but since Zachary is likely to be my last and my baby, I am going to SPOIL SPOIL SPOIL him and do everything I can to make life enjoyable for both of us.

One of my dogs LTwinkie, is 10 (Chihuahua) and has started sleeping a lot and has always been a grouch. One is going on 6 (Gizmo) and is past playing (terrier/x). One is 5 and is "there" (a long haired 5 pound Chihuahua fuzz ball that just "chills"). Yoshi, almost 2 year Japanese Chin is a "miss priss" and would NEVER tolerate something like tooth brushing (Chin's were bred for one thing, companionship and they know it). My Sir Yumble will be a year in August (Japanese Chin) and has a very sensitive nature. It would be impossible to do the teeth.

BUT, my little Zachary....I have been trying to do everything right with him since day one (May 15) and I have been getting him used to everything....brushing, shaving ears, bath, ear cleaning....everything but nail trims since I have been trying to do that for YEARS and is not worth the stress. So I figure that if I can get him used to everything else, I can surely do the tooth brushing, right?????

Y'all really have NO idea how foreign all this Yorkie stuff is to me. All my other dogs have been pretty much "wash and wear", even the Chin's who require a minimum of grooming. Zachary, I am finding out, requires a TON of grooming care but being retired, I have TONS of time to do it too, once I figure it all out.

Will try the tooth brushing tomorrow morning when I comb him out.

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