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Old 06-13-2012, 11:02 AM   #90
Rosehill Yorkies
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Originally Posted by madpuppymills View Post
I'm sure that this will go over like a lead balloon - but the moral of the story here is - Adopt. Don't Shop. Ever.

There are many, many Yorkie rescue groups if you absolutely must have a "pure breed". I believe with all my heart that no one should never purchase a dog when millions of healthy ones are killed every year - Coming back down to reality, I accept the fact that there are those who feel that they absolutely must buy a dog; along with the fact that there ARE reputable, honest, and humane breeders out there. While I still don't agree with it, these reputable breeders play an important role when it comes to the fight against puppy mills and backyard breeders; as they keep the customers out of pet shops and online shops.

Unfortunately, of all the breeders out there, only a minute fraction of them could be considered truly reputable, and the majority of the public (myself once included, as the love of my life is a Yorkie named Princess that I purchased from a pet shop 13 years ago) are uninformed and uneducated when it comes to choosing one. We want that adorable puppy so bad, that we will believe anything that is told to us. If the breeder will not allow you to his/her home where you can see and visit with ALL of her dogs, (puppies and parents), that should be an immediate red flag and cause for you to run. The puppy you bring home may be safe and healthy (for now), but it's mother is more than likely dying in a puppy mill somewhere, and looks something like this (see attachments).

If you have a chance, visit my website, and watch the first video on the home page. This happens thousands of times, every single day. But, it doesn't have to!

Puppy Love & Kisses!
M.A.D. Puppy Mills
Here is another lead balloon: For the people out there that, for whatever reason choose to BUY their baby from a breeder, you not only have to do YOUR homework on the breeder, you MUST accept responsibility for keeping your precious little baby from ending up like the attachments on the above site. Just one example: DO NOT get a puppy if you know you will be starting a family in 3-5 years and you do not want the dog in the house with the new baby. You have made a committment to this puppy for the life of the puppy, which could be from 10 - 15 years or more! Puppies are surrendered to rescues by people that have made the wrong decision to get a puppy in the first place...they keep the baby until they tire of it, or have other life changes, and they kick it to the curb. THAT IS NOT ANY BREEDERS FAULT. Most reputable breeders, like rescues, mandate the baby goes back to them...owners are embarrassed to follow through with that mandate, so they surrender the baby to a pound or just turn it out.....we have no legal control over what people do with their dogs after they get them...all we can do is try to closely screen buyers, have them sign contracts that include returning the dog to the breeder if ever necessary, microchip the dog and list US as alternate contacts, and hope the buyer lives up to our expectations and their word. Dogs are in rescues because of irresponsible buyers, not ALWAYS irresponsible breeders! "ADOPT...DONT SHOP"???.... BUYERS MUST ACCEPT ACCOUNTABLITY FOR THEIR DECISION TO GET A PUPPY REGARDLESS OF WHERE THEY GET IT. BREEDERS CAN NOT BE BLAMED FOR ALL THE DOGS IN RESCUES.

Last edited by Yorkiemom1; 06-13-2012 at 11:04 AM.
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