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Old 05-13-2012, 05:32 AM   #1
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Unhappy Rhianna spent the night in the hospital

Rhianna went into a series of cluster seizures yesterday which has never happened before . . .

A little history . .. when Rhianna was around 10 months old she fell backwards off our couch while playing hitting her head extremely hard on the wood floor which caused her to have a seizure. After rushing her to the vet, they told me she was ok and that if she continued to have seizures to get her back right away. No other seizures occurred until 3 months later . . .again, I brought her back to the vet and the seizure had already ended. They checked her vitals, ran some blood work and deemed her all within normal limits and told me to start keeping a diary of seizures.

Well, her seizures were few and far inbetween, maybe once every few months. Vet did bile acid tests, CBC, urine, etc . . .all came back fine. So she was deemed "idiopathic" and again, since she was young and seizures weren't frequent, no pheno . . .

Fast forward to May 12th . . .normal day, great day . . until around 5:45pm . . .Rhianna started to have a seizure, hadn't had one since January 25th . . .she is fully aware, not convulsive seizures, just shaking and tremors . . .she came out of it within 3 minutes . . .10 minutes later she started her second seizure . . .I was somewhat taken aback because this was out of character . . .she then started throwing up white foam . .she just kept trembling . . .we took her immediately to the vet hospital.

They were able to successfully stop her seizure with valium. They then ran another CBC and it came back normal. They started her on pheno and as of right this second, she's been seizure free and is stable and now will be on pheno forever . . . They said she is a bit groggy from the meds and will reevaluate this afternoon to see if I can bring her home.

I have to bring her back to my regular vet in 6 weeks for blood work and to check liver values from the pheno . . .

I hope she doesn't stay groggy continously . . .I just want my little girl who was wild and nutty and happy!
Deb, Mommy to: Brody & Rhianna Belle
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