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Old 04-21-2012, 09:34 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by Yorkiemom1 View Post
No, she certainly did not....but look how you enabled her to live during the time you had her! It is soooooo unfair sometimes, what happens to the kindest, gentlest, most vulnerable among us, and I wish there was an explanation I could give that would make it easier for you to accept and understand, and for the rest of us, whose belief in "goodness will prevail' theory, occasionally blows up in our faces. I have none, and struggle with issues like this everytime I encounter one. You can torment yourself, second guessing and blaming yourself, and all the "what if's" , and "buts", and "if only I had...",but it is what it is. It was not fair, she should not have been born to end up like that, and I hate the people that sentenced her to the life she led before you, I hate the people that kicked her to the curb when they were done with her, I hate the person whose dog was allowed to run loose and attack her so horribly, and finally, I hate the dog that did this to her. In my mind, I put all that crap on one side of the page....and on the other side, I put you and what all you did for her the entire time you had her and loved her and cared for her, and then even having to make that final, heartbreaking decision to allow her to move on to Rainbow Bridge, all because of idiotic decisions made by idiots and greedy people. And YOUR side of the page is heavier...the good you did for her, outweighs all the bad, and you enabled Gina to come out of this life, glorified! So even at the end, she wins! And YOU enabled that to happen. THAT counts for a whole lot....and Gina is watching for you, even as she runs and plays, young and whole and healthy and HAPPY....
Thank you so much for your kind words. Today was horrible. With her emergency bills on top of several specialist visits with some of my other animals, money is pretty tight and I've been struggling over making the decision on what to do with her body. I thought I'd be ok just doing a communal cremation. But when I came home from a long day helping a dear friend at an adoption event, and there was no little Gina and her silly little bark of joy every time I would come home in the short time she was with me, I lost it. I can't bare the thought of her ashes being spread god knows where, never to see her again! So I made the decision that she needs to come home. To the only home she's ever known. They'll always be ways to earn more money, I don't think I'll ever be ok with her not coming home where she belongs. Gina never knew love before she came here. She only knew neglect, abuse, and finally abandonment. Here she knew a full belly, a warm soft bed, and love. This is where Gina's remains belong, with the rest of my special angels who left before her!!!
Momma to King Louie
Missing my angels California Lily and Benjamin Button, forever in my heart
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