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Old 04-21-2012, 09:10 PM   #61
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I never really thought about it being pronouced german even though i knew it was german....though i mispronouce a lot of things.....
so i usually either just say yorkie. or parti yorkie. or german buu*mumble*mumble* yorkie. [I'm not sure if Somi is actually a Biewer or a Parti]
but i think i tried to pronounce it more like viewer with a b. I understand the w being pronounced with a v...but where does the r go? Why isn't it Beevaar?

I get irritated when people add the emphasis wrong in Joli's's based on the Korean word for sleepy but people like to try to pronounce it like Jolie which is French.
And i'm pretty sure most people don't know what I say when I say Somi. I think a lot of people think her name is sony. (Also Korean based, for cotton ball/little beauty, depending on where you break up the syllables.)
So I can't even imagine actual complicated names. My name is super easy and people get that wrong. And my BF has to spell Choi everytime someone needs it. Like really? you can't spell Choi? lol.
Ashley and my gimpy, little bit Somi
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