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Old 04-06-2012, 12:03 AM   #26
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I went back to the vet a week and a half ago so he could re-evaluate her and schedule her for the dental/extraction of ONE tooth and spay. He said she might need to have a few extracted and quoted me for four. I was really shocked how it went from 1 to 4. My price quote was $600 something up to $960.
So she had her surgery today and he called me late this afternoon. Told me who he was, yada, yada and then loooong pause and my heart dropped into my stomach. I really thought I lost her. Good news, she was done with surgery, bad news, he extracted 14 teeth I nearly fell to the floor. For one thing she has bad teeth (due to her illness???), but I didn't even expect that at all. I was also surprised they didn't call and tell me or get permission; I don't know, it was just shocking.
They charged me like $460, less than the quote?, not sure if that was accidental. Charged me 2 extraction fees. Didn't get it, but was in no mood to discuss it.
I just think it was pretty drastic given her fragile state (addisons disease). She is on narcotics, so she is confused, in pain, tired, doesn't want to settle. I have blood all over the blanket from her mouth ((not bleeding profusely, just leaking, I guess)). She has had a little bit of water and literally one tiny shred of cheese. I feel sick! Also, they gave her the rx for the narcotic, and metacam, but I was told by the addisons group no way can she take the metacam as she is on prednisone! So I'm totally freaked out, call the vets, the dr. says just don't give her the prednisone until she completes the metacam. Wellll, she can't live without the pred and he should know you cannot just discontinue it (she's been on it like 6 years). So everyone is telling me just to not give it to her; dr states it's a small dose, it will be fine. Honestly, this is horrifying and confusing.
I just pray she will be feeling better tomorrow Just came to update the thread, ended up venting. Thanks.
Bella (I miss you) Sachi Emmy
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