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Old 03-19-2012, 08:40 AM   #17
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I've seen some great suggestions posted, and I agree with the others...whatever works. Sometimes it is the excitement in you that distracts them from their fear, others settle with nonchalant, matter-of-fact handling that you give them...but you do have to have that confidence to project it. Sometimes any distraction works, including TV, radio, a window to watch out of, etc.

I also have cats, and I didn't see any mention of trying to wash her like I would attempt to wash a non-willing cat, tho. You might try holding her up with your hand way up under her 2 front legs and supporting her chest so she has to stand on just her 2 back legs (on a non-slippery surface)...even if it's just for a water rinse at first. Make up a shampoo solution you can just squeeze on ahead of time, and use spray conditioner or a solution for that as well. You can use your kitchen sprayer, but use low water so it doesn't spray with a lot of force if she's scared of the spray. It ties up one of your hands having to hold her, but if you are able to get her used to a bit of nice warm water and massage that way, maybe she'll quit minding the bath as much...especially since you will also be working your magic with some of those other fine psychological techniques along with a positional one. Or, if she's big enough and you have a divided sink, drape her over the divide...front paws on one side and rear paws on the other side...and work quickly...use solutions. She would, of course have to be just enough shorter than the top of the divider so that she 'fits' but 'just barely' for this technique, but I have used it and they at first just seem to focus on figuring out how to get one end of the other over that divider because they lack the leverage. By then, the bath is over...and you've worked your magic and loved 'em up, and you may not even need to do it again.

I do wish you good luck...and hope the situation resolves quickly.
- Cat Brody Mia BriaStormy
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