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Old 02-27-2012, 12:26 PM   #80
Yorkie Yakker
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Originally Posted by GypsyVille View Post
Congrats on your new addition!! You have been very lucky and I will pray that luck continues.

I think Lovetodream88 has given you great advice that you may have took wrong. She was looking out for the best interest in your puppy.

There are lots of reason to wait till 12 weeks to bring a puppy home. The first being Hypoglucemia. As someone whom has to deal with Hypoglucemia, I can tell you it is very scary. I have left the house feeling fine and get 10 minutes down the road and the Hypo hits me. I can't imagine how a little puppy feels dealing with Hypoglucemia. When you wait until the puppy is 12 weeks old, it has constant care from it's mother and the chance of Hypoglucemia decreases after 12 weeks of age.

Behavior is another reason to wait to bring home a puppy. A puppy will learn bite inhibition from it's mother and it's siblings. When you take the puppy away at 6 weeks of age, the puppy hasn't learned this. When you watch a litter of puppies play you will see that sometimes one of the puppies is to rough. The rough puppy bites a sibling to hard. The sibling yells out and walks away from the rough puppy. The rough puppy has now learned "Hey if I am too rough, playtime stops and I don't want that". you now have to be the puppy's sibling and teach the puppy this. Think about it like a college education. Would you want a doctor working on you that only had half his education? They also start to learn socialization from the mother and their siblings.

Another reason to wait is their immune system. The immune system isn't fully devloped until 6 months of age. They can get sick really quick if you aren't careful. Alot of people think if they vaccinate at 6, 8, etc. weeks old the puppy is covered but not so. Read this Taking The Risk Out Of Puppy Shots | Dogs Naturally Magazine

The reason to wait to bring your puppy home go on and on. Again, congrats on your new addition.

I didn't take her advice wrong at all. I know that it's not recommended to bring a puppy home before 10-12 weeks, so I didn't really need to be reminded about that. I had already stated what the situation was and that the person I bought the puppy from wasn't really a breeder and that this litter was an accident. But because I kinda had no choice, all I wanted to know was if it was possible for things (mostly health wise) to be ok. And according to people who have brought their puppies home before 10-12 weeks, it is POSSIBLE for things to be ok. I knew about hypoglycemia before we brought her home. I did lots and lots of research about it. I wasn't really worried about any behavioral issues, I was mostly concerned about HEALTH issues that would result in taking a puppy home at that age.

I appreciate all the advice I get, but I felt like a lot of the people that posted on this thread did not understand what my question was. I really didn't ask about reputable breeders, or being AKC registered, or anything like that.

I felt like I was being "looked down upon" because I was bringing the puppy home at 7 weeks. But like I said in my first post, I kinda had no choice.
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