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Old 02-25-2012, 10:52 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Lucyana1129 View Post
I need to vent to people that will understand this. For some reason no one I know sees it as a big deal. I have a friend that picked up a yorkie on a very busy street. That part I fully understand and would have done the same. He's where I get annoyed. I asked her what she planned to do and she had no response. So I told her to post on Craigslist about a lost yorkie and put flyers up in the area. It is a busy area and close to a lot of big hotels. She said she planned to. This was almost a month ago now and since then she has taken this little female yorkie and had her shaved and to the vet. She has a male yorkie and this is a female. They just bred their lab to a female lab that was given to them. I asked if she was spayed. Nope. I kno they will end up breeding her (to have a baby from their male). It infuriates me and part of me wants to post it on Craigslist myself. If someone found Bentley and decided they were going to keep him instead of trying to find..... And although this little girl was dirty and her hair was matted it looked to me like someone had been working to grow her out. And I'm sorry but she should not be bred and neither should her male. Not only bc she has no idea what she is doing but bc they are both about 10 lbs, very long, and floppy eared. I just do not understand why she would basically steal this dog. And I don't know how to kindly tell her that it's ridiculous that she hasn't tried to find her owner yet and is letting her male play and be around her unspayed. They kept saying how I shouldn't have neutered Bentley bc he would have pretty puppies. I'm not a breeder and am in no way skilled enough to do that. Why is it so hard for them to see that neither are they? They are living things. They had trouble when the female lab was in labor. And they think they are qualified to handle a yorkie in labor!?! They wanted to give the lab a bath during labor to calm her! Uggghhhh....! I'm sorry I'm rambling but I keep hoping she will try to find her owner and she just isn't. It's beyond crazy to think that that could happen to someone. That Bentley could get out and someone would just consider him "finders keepers". Am I being over dramatic here? They debated on "saving" this little lab puppy once bc he was outside (at a campground) all day. They said his owners didn't deserve a dog. Who are they to decide this? He had water and food and was in the shade. While you're feeding your dogs kibbles and bits every day and breeding your males to random females. Alright, I'll stop bc I could go on and on. I already have. Haha! I'm just so mad and I figured if anyone would agree with me on this it would be you guys.
I am just going to address the Yorkie in this post. First I think that you should post this found Yorkie, with all the details you have available to you. Hold something back, so if and when you get calls, that can help you ID the rightfull owner. I also would strongly say to your friend, what you are doing is Wrong. This dog maybe someone's lost beloved pet, and you owe this person every effort to find the owner. If you don't I will.

Send flyers out to all nearby vets. Maybe you will shake up your friend to do the right thing by this found female.

This upsets me on so many levels, I can't even begin to get my fingers around my thoughts to type it out.
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