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Old 01-30-2012, 01:05 PM   #13
Ellie May
And Rylee Finnegan
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Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Metro Detroit, MI
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What type of crystals are they? Struvite?
Was a culture done? If not, why not?
If struvites are present, was a round of antibiotics given?
Has there been any diagnostic imaging done on the bladder and kidneys?
Are there any symptoms?
Has the vet indicated that the crystals are an issue? Or are they maybe along the line of amorphous phosphates and not such a big thing?
Is the rest of the U/A normal?
Any protein in the urine?
What's the specific gravity and pH?
Has a T4 been done to assess the thyroid?
Is the chemistry and CBC normal?
Liver enzymes normal?
Triglycerides, cholesterol, glucose normal?
Did the vet offer an explanation for the skin?

This is where I would be starting. Definitely no need to answer any of the above. I would be finding a vet that would discuss these things with me though as soon as possible. If the current vet is letting things go while telling you that they are concerned, then that's not good.

Not all crystals are a huge deal. Some are.
Your vet SHOULD be advising you what food to feed. When this many issues are present, they should have an opinion or send you to somebody that can help you. It might not matter except for the crystals being present. Depending on the type, dietary modifications may be needed. Until you find a vet that will help you figure out the diet, I would feed a high quality, balanced dog food.
Crystal, Ellie May (RIP), Rylee Finnegan, and Gracie Boo🐶
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