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Old 01-26-2012, 01:58 PM   #9
Senior Yorkie Talker
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This could get long so beware LOL!!

I got Sukie when Roscoe was around 9 months old. I really wanted a little girl to be part of our family and I so wanted him to have a playmate for life because even though he is spoiled and got all of my attention he still seemed lonley. My DH was not really on board but the second we got to the breeder's home she was the first baby he picked up because she was so chunky and cute!

When I first bought Sukie home(she was around 11 weeks) Roscoe would growl if we touched her or if she came near him. She wanted to play and he was angry and jealous! By day two he would bark high pitched and whine like he was scared of her or something. At that point I was wondering if adopting her was the best choice because he was my mommy's boy and he was SO mad at me! I mean this is the little guy that has to be within room distance of me every single second and when I get home from leaving won't let me out of his sight. He would not even let me cuddle him!! Plus I felt like I wasn't able to bond with her because Roscoe got so mad if I dared touch her. My husband could hold her all day though and he could care less. On day 4 he was going up and sniffing her and would take her toy and run, but hey at least he interacted with her!

By day 6 or 7 he was playing with her and even wanted to take a nap with her. One thing that helped was at night I would kennel him(he normally89 sleeps with me) and kennel her side by side so they could see each other all night. EVen after day 7 though if I touched her he would growl and snap at her. Within 2 weeks he was in love with her and they became best friends. It's funny because now if another dog is around Roscoe goes into protective mode and won't let them near her LOL! He guards her with his life. In fact if we are in the backyard and I tell them to come in he will go get her and then come in once she follows him LOL!

Honestly I was happy with just Roscoe and that is saying a lot because I am a "cat" person, well I use to be since adopting him I am a dog person and I love all dogs! Now that I have Sukie though my life is fullfilled and overly joyful! I could not imagine life without either of them they truly do complete me in a way I never thought possible!

I will admit cost go up such as grooming, vet bills, food and so on, but it is soooo worth it to me! Traveling is also more challenging but doable and honestly me and DH joke taking them out somewhere is just as stressful at times as taking our two kids somewhere LOL!

I would not change it for the world though and having two is the best!!!
Nicole~ Roscoe Sukie & Sophie
No one will love you like your Dog, be worthy of it....
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