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Old 01-18-2012, 11:37 PM   #2
Donating Senior Yorkie Talker
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Austin, Texas
Posts: 220

Honest to god, I think you need to slow down and really think this through. I am ten years older than you, own my own business and condo and I still get overwhelmed with the responsibility of taking care of a yorkie.

Do you have the money (thousands) either in savings or on an empty credit card to spend at a moment's notice when (not if) your dog gets sick? Are you ready to spend money on:
vet visits
getting it fixed
flea treatment (monthly)
heart worm pills (monthly)
grooming( every month or two)
extra pet deposit for your landlord
puppy pads
a sitter
training classes
and the list goes on and on?

What happens if you break up with your BF and need to move? What happens if neighbors complaine about the dog barking? What happens if you have work study, classes, a job and an internship all in the same semester? How long are you away from home at a stretch? Are you going to study abroad or do any other travel? Like hanging out with friends after class? Who is going to rush home to let the puppy out? Do you go home for the summer? Do your parents want you bringing the dog home with you?

A dog won't care if you are busy, sleepy, in a hurry, too hot, too cold, need to work a double shift, have a paper due in a few hours, want to get away for the weekend, this dog will have NEEDS that must be met. When I was in school I barely had time to take care of myself during school and the few years after.

Yorkies do very badly when left alone for a long time. Your situation today will not be your situation next year, trust me. Whats the rush? Be young, have fun, don't saddle yourself with the burden of a very labor intensive dog. Yorkies are very cute and fun, but they are an incredible amount of work.

There is nothing worse than buying this animal, making it fall in love with you then throwing it away when it gets to be too much work. Its very cruel and wrong. Talk to the rescue people here, listen to their stories of saving throw away dog after dog. You have the rest of your life to get a dog, why now when there is so much going on?
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