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Old 01-11-2012, 02:10 PM   #1
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Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Virgina
Posts: 266
Smile How did you get your Yorkie?

I was just wondering the stories on how you got your baby(s)? I know some people here have really really cool stories!

This is how we got Bailey:

We saw a petstore that said "Yorkie Palace." There were signs on the window's and doors that said "Family raised!" Etc... SO we go in and see all these yorkies and a few other small breed dogs. I always wanted a yorkie. We look around and there are the "teacup" and regular. We look at the regular's because we weren't spendin over $1000 for a dog. I wanted a girl, so I ask the owner if he had any girl yorkies. He shows me Bailey and she just sitts there quietly and everything. Sleeps in my arms. SO CUTE!

Well we don't get her... But we put $100 hold down. Later that week, we go get her. But now there were two yorkies! We didn't know which one was Bailey. One was going crazy and haveing fun while the other was kinda sitting there. We chose the quiet one because that one looked like the one that we saw... BUT THEY WERE SISTERS! SO they look exactly alike. I wouldn't change her for the world, but it was a hard decision.

When I tell my dentist that we just got a puppy, she asks the basic stuff... name, blah blah blah. But then she asks where we got her. I tell her and she says REALLY? That is my really good friends shop! I said, "really? Does he actually home raise them?" And she said YES! I was so happy. She said she went to his house and there are all these dogs that he breeds! I was grateful that she didn't come from a mill!

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