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Old 01-10-2012, 06:33 PM   #17
Senior Yorkie Talker
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: bradenton fl usa
Posts: 91

Thanks to all of you for your comments, suggestions and most of all understanding. I have continued to keep the blinds shut and continued recording. The most barking has been for 4 minutes in a 7 hour period. I really don't think that is too bad. Because the recorder is voice activated it is impossible to tell if it was 4 continuous minutes or bark stop and then start barking again.
I have mentioned the problem to a couple of other people in the neighborhood (I have not given the name of the complainers) Everyone's attitude seems to be the same.."Tell them to go to -----" They say he is inside the house, not tied out and not on a lanai so the other people need to "get a life".
I hate keeping the blinds pulled; but will probably do so for another week or so. I open the blinds when I get home and he of course enjoys his view.

I am now dealing with another issue...blood in his urine. He got me up several times last night to go out and pee, very unusual for him. It kind of scared me so I caught a urine sample in a cup and there was a spec of blood. I dropped him off at the vet's this AM. They did a urinalysis and found crystals which is not unusual for him. They did an Xray but did not see any stones. He is now on an antibiotic in case an infection is causing the blood. I am suppose to take him back in 3 weeks to have the urine checked again. If there is still blood we will need to do an ultrasound which is very expensive, but if he needs it I will just have to go out to my money tree He had to have bladder stone removal surgery 3 years ago and I am hoping it does not happen again. I am trying so hard not to worry about him.

Again, thanks for all of the good thoughts!
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