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Old 01-05-2012, 04:21 PM   #18
Senior Yorkie Talker
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Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Ocala, FL, Marion
Posts: 112

I have always admired Yorkie but since we lived on a farm and I worked full time we always had "outdoor" dogs. When my DH and I got married 14 years ago he had two dogs and I had two cats. My DH is an animal magnet. It wasn't long before he would sit down on the couch and he would have a dog on either side and a cat on each shoulder. I complained enough that one day he came home with a carrier that held a 6 lb pure bred Chihuahua. (I know not a Yorkie but hang in there). Mighty Mo bonded with me and for the next 8 years he was by my side. I have several major illness which caused me to be come disabled in 2005. Mo was thrilled more time with Mommy. Over the years we lost all our dogs and cats to old age until only MO was left. For the past two years I have been dealing with a problem with my left foot and was required to stay off my feet completely. A true couch potato.
Depression was a problem but every time I got sad Mo was by my side. When I couldn't sleep because of the pain Mo was there to help me get through it, In November of this year my wonderful MO got very sick very fast. The entire month of November was blood test and x-rays trying to figure out what was wrong. He went blind overnight. Blind I could handle Big Red was Blind and Deaf for 2 years before he died at 19. When Mo started walking the house and crying out in pain I knew what we had to do. We figure he had a brain tumor. I was devastated. My best friend was gone. I told my DH I never wanted another dog because it hurt to bad to lose them. My heart was broke. After a week my DH dragged me to the local Humane Shelter to get another dog. We went to see another Chi and a Min Pin because this was the last two dogs we owned. In the Meet and Greet room neither of those dogs liked us. We wanted an older dog because we were retired now and didn't think we could handle a puppy. Just by chance while walking to the room I saw Gizmo a young Yorkie. Here is when my world changed. Gizmo choose us. The minute he was turned loose in the room he immediately jumped up in my lap, then jumped down and jumped up in my husband's lap sitting there just as happy as he could be saying "I found my forever family". My husband would never have a long hair dog but Gizmo stole our hearts. We have had him one month, our vet figures he is approx. 11 months. He divides his time between us but always seems to know when I need a little encouragement. He has repaired my heart and although I will always miss and love MO I am smiling again. At the vets he weighted 9 lbs 9 oz and in the month we have had him he has never had an accident in the house. He will ask to go out. He has the run of the house during the day and night when we are home. When we have to go out to my doctors he stays in our bedroom with no problems so far. The one thing he will not do is go out the doggie door to our fenced in back yard. We have showed him how and even tempted him with treats. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Sorry this was so long.
Gizmo's Mom
Mighty Mo RIP 2001 - 2011
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