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Old 12-04-2011, 08:58 AM   #1
Senior Yorkie Talker
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Default Update: Promise no venting this time ;)

Hi everyone,

First off I just want to say I huge Thank you to all who posted on my last thread "really need to vent". Thank you all for your kind words and thoughtfullness. I apprecate all the ideas about writing a letter. However I think I will let this one drop. Even though the rude employess added to my grief tremendously I feel like... because it came from 2 different vet clinics it would not have the same effect on them when I write a letter because I don't feel like I should include all of the instances from both clinics in each clinic's letter. ( I hope that makes since I don't always get it out like I intend to.) However I will not be using either of these office's again!

I had an awful dream last night about Hope. It was reliving her last few minutes. What's worse is how dreams change what really happens People in them or places.. but the outcome stays the same. I woke up crying.

I didn't post about my last baby, Coral, that's her ,my avitar. She was a Silky Terrier that I adopted from a rescue. She was my love and had my heart like no other ever could! She died so sudden and with no warning, leaving a huge whole in my life. I think that is why I jumped into getting Hope so fast... agaisnt my better judgment and promise that I would never get one of my family members Yorkies.I knew that it would lead to heartache. Don't get me wrong I'm happy to have been able to love Hope for even a short time. She deserved it and was special to me in a whole other way.

But that leads me to my question: How many of you, after a loss of a pet, find yourself still shopping for them? I was in Ross last night and found my self in the pet section, even putting darling little outfits in my basket. .

I find I am happiest when I am shopping for them. Kinda like when you put back something that you really wanted so you can buy something for your kids. LOL

So I have decided that's what I will do. I don't know when I will be ready for a new baby there are alot of factors in play right now. I do know that I want to buy from a reputable breeder to avoid heartache. I had already been researching them before I lost Hope. And pretty much decide on your very own BRENY!!!!

So I have started making my list and will start purchasing . I know this is only a litttle that i will need but without size of baby or time frame I don;t want to buy anything that could go bad.

1. start putting aside emergency fund (now know just how fast bill add up)
2 Kwigy Bow Carrier ( really wanted one of these for Hope)
3. Xpen
4. washable pee pads
5. carseat
6. toys

Like I said this only a start . Again thank you for listening!!
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