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Old 01-13-2006, 08:05 AM   #81
Yorkie Kisses are the Best!
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Originally Posted by whispersmom2
When Cruiser was a baby his pic was stolen and put on several ad sites. A friend called and asked if I had seen the ad; I hadn't but I definitely checked it out.They didn't even bother to change the background of the floor in my family room. Several of us got involved to get pics of mom,dad, siblings. Turns out the person sent pics of dogs from all over the world none even remotely related to each other. She was asking for a deposit of $3500.00 for a Biewer puppy. They were not born yet but she was sure there would be 4 so that was a hefty sum. AND, you could pay with PayPal..Great business, huh, unless you get caught.
I can see why someone would want to steal some of these pictures - as with CUTE Cruiser - Some of our yorkies are just gorgeous ...but MAN WOULD THAT piss me off !

Rini - did you get them shut down and caught or did they just remove the pictures ? I hope that woman (or man) got themnself BUSTED ...Cruiser is SO distinctive ...but I can't believe they'd use him in a selling scheme !
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