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Old 11-24-2011, 05:04 PM   #10
Donating Senior Yorkie Talker
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Originally Posted by gidget529 View Post
How old is your dog? Has she had at least one heat? Also, what is your girl's weight? Also wondering what you meant by she had a rough start in life?

Just to warn you, you are probably going to have a problem finding a stud from someone reputable bc she is not registered. Please be careful and do not accept just any stud.

Also, things can go very wrong w breeding. Have you ever whelped an animal? Does your vet offer emergency care 24 hours to help you? Will you know if a whelp is progressing correctly? Are you ready for the financial responsibility if something goes wrong requiring emergency vet care - C sections are common, pups w health problems, difficult whelp, etc.

Just some things to think about. My background is human medicine. I am always surprised by the # of ppl who think birth is a "natural process" and needs no medical care/supervision. Things go wrong. You will need to have someone who knows what they are doing right there to help you.
Hi I typed out a very lengthy response to Mika, which, for some reason has to be approved by moderators, but it did include:

My mom showed Pomeranians while I was growing up and I've been in the operating room while her females were having c-sections. I've birthed small pups, I'm aware of how to clean the sack, how to sling them to get the mucous out of their lungs, and the warning signs to watch for in the mothers that they may be septic or there might be problems with the birthing.

I'm pretty well versed on how to deliver pups and I know that small dog births are particularly difficult. (I saw a fully trained vet sling one of my mom's puppies directly into the floor because he improperly gripped the dog).
Like I said, I'm aware that I will probably have a difficult time finding a reputable stud, because she's unregistered. I do have a vet that I am familiar with, and greatly respect, and they work with a 24-hour clinic. (She once at a chicken bone from the trash she knocked over while I was at the store, and I had to bring her in very late at night. I have photos of her x-rays if anyone's curious/interested. They're really clear and I think they're pretty neat.)

She's 3 years old. What I meant by "she had a rough start" Is that when I got her, she was owned by a friend-of-a-friend's girlfriend. I went over to her house one time and saw that she was being kept in a back yard in Los Angeles (concrete) with two large dogs. When I got her she had a URI, and it was pretty bad. She hadn't been well cared for, and I begged the girl to give her to me so I could take her to the vet. She wouldn't "give" her to me, but she did sell her to me, I took her to an emergency vet the same day, she had IVs and antibiotics, I took her for two follow up visits, blood testing, and she was deemed in good health.

She's a very happy, energetic, and healthy dog now, who shows absolutely no signs of prior neglect. She's my best buddy in the whole world, and she's flown all over the US with me (under my seat). I take her to work with me when I do have to go in, and we've been attending obedience classes just for fun, she seems to really like them :P
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