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Old 11-18-2011, 02:45 PM   #9
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Oh man, that is horrible.
I had something similar happen... I worked for a phone answering company as a CSR for a year, had the same "team manager" the whole time. He was a person who played the favourite game too. I was among a few of those he chose to befriend, and although I worked hard at my job people always thought I was a slacker because the manager spent his free time visitng all his "favourites".
However once managers were switched the new lady had it out for me, for no reason! [team managers rotated teams once a year] She would always yell at me to "make sure your answering your calls" [ummm okay, the calls come in automatically answering isn't optional lol] she would give me poor quality control scores even if it was just one thing i said wrong or switch words around... anyone else would get a pat on the back for only making minimal mistakes. Half the time she wouldn't even let me go to lunch until I was the last person left to go! [which really was ok since we had snacks in our desks lol] and most of all she always stared me down lol.
I put my two weeks in shortly after she took over, because I was moving to Hawai'i March-September. If you want to be re-hirable you have to talk to your manager and get them to say you're "re-hirable" on your resignation. So I wanted this job opportunity back if there was an opening when I got home, so I asked her and she said "oh yeah sure, no problem I'll let 'em know"

6 months later I come back, and go to apply for an opening and they say "sorry the last manager you had said you weren't re-hirable.
I was like really? She was my manager for TWO weeks, why don't you ask the guy that was my manager for a whole year what he thinks! Needless to say I had to wait a year before I could reapply on good terms just because of that lady!

I really hope you can get your job back because being screwed out of a job because someone doesn't like you or couldn't handle what you had to say, is the worst.
Maci May, Leonidas, Tyler&Ashley
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