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Old 11-15-2011, 06:35 AM   #30
Senior Yorkie Talker
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Thank you all, things are going really well with me getting up at 2.30 and letting her out, apart from me being knackered! She had a poo on the carpet during the day the other day, just after I'd let her out, but it was a bit loose, and not normal for her, so I assumed she'd eaten something dodgy which had upset her tummy, and she couldn't help it, as her poos are usually solid. I have had a sensor light put up for her, which I am sure has made her feel better about going out at night, as it's very bright, and lights up her whole toilet area! I really don't think she has a problem with the gravel. She has had no night time accidents with me getting her up at 2.30, so I'm really pleased! Thank you all for your help!
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