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Old 09-15-2011, 11:20 PM   #17
YorkieTalk Newbie!
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Danville
Posts: 4

You are all amazing and I can see you all love your babies and I definitely love mine! Just a few updates since I posted this ....

Friday is eating on a schedule now and after she eats breakfast, I would put her back in her crate (which I put the extra wire to make it smaller) while I got ready for work or school (about 30-60 minutes) then I would take her for a walk and she will now poop and pee on the grass. =) I use the same routine for dinner but after dinner she would only pee, I am assuming that is normal. She would get treats throughout the day for good behavior or for doing tricks but I don't want to use treats all the time.

She no longer potties in her smaller area in the crate, she also doesn't go in the travel bag I take put her in when I take her to work or school. I am hoping the potty thing stays positive.

Friday is a smart one, she is often used as the example at PetSmart puppy class and even the advance class. She does still get too excited around other people and she MUST greet them. She does still jump around and more often than not she will stop if you tell her no, but definitely lots of work to do.

Friday has definitely lost her puppy breathe so I just brush her teeth, the breeder also suggested switching her food from Royal Canin to Blue Buffalo, any thoughts on this?

Last, I didn't intend to offend anyone by saying that Yorkie's can make you a lot of money. Understand this is my first pet (aside from a failed attempt at a salt water fish tank) and on TV and Movies, etc, you see puppies being born and it is a beautiful thing. I was merely asking for suggestions and I am doing all the research I can so that I can raise a beautiful, smart, and happy puppy. Yes I do get mixed suggestions on Spay VS No Spay with me having a lot of friends with dogs that have had puppies and friends who say you definitely should spay. Again, I wanted suggestions, I really do want the best for my puppy as I have gotten an attachment to her.

Friday turns 4 months on September 16, 2011 and she will be getting her rabies shot on the same day. She has already gotten her 4 shots! Today she weighed in at 3.3lbs, last week she was 2.8lbs!
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