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Old 09-03-2011, 06:42 AM   #165
Gidget & Sidney's Mom
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Originally Posted by Ringo1 View Post
Are we back here again?

I don't think there is a black and white answer. I see everything in terms of shades of gray.

I am not totally opposed to some - absolutely necessary - animal testing. But not for some BS perfume or make-up.

HOWEVER, it should abosolutely be done in the most humane way. This casual disregard of pain and suffering that we see in so many of these labratory videos - is just disgusting and I can find no excuse for it. Not even in shades of gray.

And let's not go back to the heartworm example. That's one out of thousands of experimental tests. There is NO justification for inhumane treatment. Not for cosmetics, leather shoes, food on my plate, my dogs plate or drugs in my body.

And, yes, dogs are selfless - but I don't think anyone is really asking them if they would like to volunteer for some torture. It's not like they have a choice in the matter.

Ugh, it's too early on a Saturday morning for this debate. Aproctor, I admire your passion. Keep speaking up on behalf of animals; the drug companies have more than their fair share of apologists making excuses. (And I am not talking about the YT message board)!
I'm not sure who said what you are saying they said? I don't think the post above yours said anything about ok inhumane use for cosmetics, food on my plate or heartworm meds.
Mommy to Gidget, Sidney & Cricket(RIP)
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