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Old 08-28-2011, 07:37 AM   #1
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Default Tucker's has been at the vets all

weekend.....he got up yesterday feeling fine, being his same old spunky self. He pottied ok and ate ok.. a about an hour after he ate he started acting strange and kept whining, I had a hard time getting him out of the kennel and when I did get him to come out to use the bathroom he wouldnt go down the porch steps, he had to be carried and when he got on the ground he wouldnt walk, sometimes when I would pick him up or try to he would yelp and at one time he bit me. He NEVER snaps at me. So when that happened the hubby and I agreed to take him to vets.
She was at the office in 15 minutes to see us. She couldnt find anything wrong with him, other than she knew that he was in pain, she just couldnt pin point where it was. She pressed along his spine, did the toe test, saw him walk and noticed that his tail stayed tucked the whole time. She checked his gums, temp etc and it was all normal. She sent us home with some tramadol for pain and orders to call her back in the a.m if he wasnt better. When we got him home he pooped agian, still normal but he did start licking his lips and burping on and off. So I was guessing that it was probably stomach related. I was woken up to him whining around midnight so I let him out of his kennel and he back himself into a corner and wouldnt move, I tried to get him to eat, drink, go outside etc and he wouldnt budge. It almost looked as if he was "stoned" so I woke up the hubby to see what he thought and we were able to get him to walk around outside some which seemed to help him and I put him in the bed with me to watch him. He was uncomfortable all night so I took him back this morning to have tests ran. He also hadnt eaten or drank anything since he was fed the following morning and I was worried about dehydration so at nine we headed back to the vets.
She did a xray and ran some blood work and everything came back ok, other than his sugar levels were slightly elavated she said that was probably due to the predisone he is on for his itching and that he was starting to dehydrate. His xray showed that he does have gas in his stomach, causing the belching and the constant licking his lips. So I had a choice to leave him there over night so they could hook him up to a cathader and give him a bland diet or I could take him home and offer him rice, boiled hamburg or baby food and ice cubes to keep him hydrated. I took him home. I really cant afford 500 dollars for an over night stay. The vet will be on call all day and will be in the office for a few more hours so If I have anymore issues with him she said just to call her. She all so said that if he started to vomit, start with dirreaha (which he hasnt) that he needs to be seen agian immediatly.
If you all could keep him in your thoughts and prayers I certainly would appreciate it..

Also I forgot to ask the vet, how long should he stay on the hamburg and rice...thanks..
Love all 9 of my furrbutts!
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