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Old 01-05-2006, 08:33 AM   #43
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: I live with MissM
Posts: 78

Originally Posted by yorkiegal719
Wow, after reading all this replies my thought is if many of you don't want to be bothered by e-mails and calls, why do you advertise or have websites? I'm not picking on the replies I just don't understand, if you have someone that is really interested in purchasing what do they have to do, to have you reply or get your attention?
Well in defense of myself. I do NOT have a website. And I am listed as a breeder on the internet in exactly two places BECAUSE I was asked to put my name there for educational purposes. I do get lots and lots of opportunities to educate a buyer resulting from just those two listings. My favorite phrase is "I don't care if you purchase a dog from me or not. What is important is you learn how to reconize a good caring breeder". Then we begin to discuss the woes and problems of not knowing HOW to shop for that next puppy. I get to educate them on owning Yorkies, on health issues, potty issues etc etc etc. These calls, some of which follow the initial emails are rewarding to me because I may have saved someone from heartache. Many many times I do get a call back from one of these type inquirys asking if they can WAIT for a puppy from me! Now that gives a breeder a GOOD feeling. It means all the talking was worth it. Not that I care one wit whether I sell a puppy or not. But I do care that one more person gets a puppy that I can guarantee is healthy!! Because if he/she is not healthy I am damn well going to do everything within my power to make it right.
Again....I personnally do not answer the one liners or the two words...."how much?" I think the door swings both ways. Emails and phone calls which a breeder receives should also be polite and courteous as that is the very beginning or NOT the beginning of a potentially long relationship!

So in answer to the question asked above. What do you have to do to get my attention? Be polite, be courteous, be honest, be forth comming on who you are and tell me a little about yourself that is all. In other words it's up to the buyer to get my attention! I'm like others here have said. I am not a pet store. And breeding dogs is not my liveihood. When you do feel sales pressure from a breeder be very concerned as you "may" be dealing with a puppy factory. And no not all puppies whelped here are for sale not by a long shot! I have learned to not even mention I have puppies until I have made MY PICK! That usually means I only have older pups to place. They are usually 4 to 6 months of age. And sometimes maybe 9 months or so.

Oh and as a side note: IMHO...The Yorkshire Terrier breed is being wrecked by to many people attempting to cash in on the "current popular breed". Yorkies have now moved into the top 10 most registered breeds at AKC. It saddens me to think our beloved breed is in real trouble but I have learned all I can do is reach out to those within my small world OR to those who may enter my small world.
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