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Old 07-01-2011, 02:56 PM   #8
Senior Yorkie Talker
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Join Date: May 2009
Location: sacramento, ca, usa
Posts: 101

Youre not alone, both of mine took a full year to train. Your first issue is that you aren't spending enough time at home with your puppy. You can't expect them to learn on their own. It takes persistence and patience. If you don't want your puppy to play with the puppy pad try using a washable pee pad. The temptation to rip it up won't be there and being that its washable, it will save you money and help the environment! Make sure you use positive reinforcement when they do a good potty. Potty training a yorkie takes time and it also takes your part on being home to catch them at every instance they are not going potty where they are supposed to and let them know that they are wrong for going there. Maybe see if a family member who has the time can help you out with this during the day when youre working. Dont worry, your puppy will catch on sooner or later! Dont give up!

Last edited by gcoronado4; 07-01-2011 at 02:59 PM.
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