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Old 06-05-2011, 03:27 PM   #1
Yorkie Talker
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Stony Brook, NY, USA
Posts: 12
Default Not peeing on the pee pad at night

Hi all

So, I have now had Hunter for about 3 weeks and he is 13 weeks old. He is doing pretty well with the pee pad training, we are actually using the ugodog. Anyway, he does well during the day, with a few accidents here or there. He will pee on the pad when he is in his play pen (where we keep him over night and when he can't be directly supervised) and when we put him in there periodically during the day to pee. He will also poop and the pad over night and during the day. He will even walk into his pen to poop on the pad when he is out playing. With this, I am very impressed! Every day I am thinking that my rewards and vigilance are paying off! Hahaha

And then morning comes, and he always has pee accidents. It seems that he virtually never makes it to the pee pad to pee over night. (ok maybe once or twice he has but mostly not). He usually does poop on the pad over night.

I know that he is no where near being potty trained and that this is still very early. But I was wondering if there was something that I should be doing over night to try to ensure his success?!?

I was thinking about maybe waking up a couple of time a night and directing him to the pad. However I have several concerns about this...

1. When I first brought home baby Hunter he would cry a lot at night. Now he is sleeping through most of the night, usually only crying for at most 3-4 minutes after being put to bed. If I wake him up every couple of hours or even just once or twice a night I worry that he will cry and not be able to go back to sleep.

2. When I bring him to his pee pad to go potty during the day he is too distracted to go if I stand over by him and watch directly! Usually I have to stand off to the side and watch out of the corner of my eye and then I praise him and give him treats when he is successful. If I wake him up and direct him to the pee pad over night I am afraid he will be too distracted to go!

Thank for any recommendations/advice!!
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