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Old 05-18-2011, 05:16 PM   #1
Yorkie Yakker
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Posts: 65
Angry I Feel BUGS-ON-ME + DOG&ME=Raw+Itch+PAIN!!...& DH THINKS IM NUTS!!!

At first he was treating me like a nut case

(guys I've posted before this has been going on pretty much since we brought Rock Star home with us - so about 6 months of my husband telling me I'm either a hypochondriac, or that my brain tumor has suddenly developed alleged *psychological characteristics* ie: schizoaffective like behavior in terms of *paranoia* - WHICH IS ENOUGH TO WANT TO RIP YOUR OWN HAIR OUT!!! ....ok...calm down...ending rant...)

And after the first 5-10 vet visits and thousands of dollars spent with NO GOOD to show for it (a problem that seems prevalent in health care amongst ALL species these days?!) and initially being told I was experiencing 'sympathy itching' - which is effing ridiculous this isn't pregnancy but I'll try and keep on topic... errr it's just so much!!!

I thought he had fleas the day e got him - did multiple types of vet-prescribed and ordered rinses, dips, baths, and wipes. Had the baby scraped and no worms nor mange were found and still no fleas they had us at that point add the derma-x or whatever shampoo and the malacet or however you spell it yeast wipes plus revolution for mange plus ear drops for yeast, plus a 3x daily dose of a prednisone. My both get these areas that look like swollen ANT COLLONIES - about the size of a blueberry on me that can grow to be wider or flatter and as big as a ping-pong ball and where hair follicles are there appear to be black, thick 'hairs' - but when you try to pull it out 'say off of your eyebrow' - before you can blink it seems either another magically produced at that very moment on the bridge of your nose - OR that these things hop like crazy evil microbes :***( I don't know but personally my eyebrows all the hair fell out - I've used dog treatments for lice, scabies, fleas, mites, etc - as well as every super chemical product from asia to the USA and then went hollistic using ayurvedic oils - hemp, neem, tea-tree oil, oatmeal, aloe, argan oil, coconut and sesame oil as well. OH and who could forget the garlic and ginger?!

Right now he has next to his nose a "colony' thing and about 6 large swollen hair follicles where his whiskers are. He also has a black patch that little black dots come out of under his chin that he scratches at and cries as it goes from raw to covered in this weird skin that looks similar to a honey-comb like a bee-hive (same thing happens to my eyebrows and to the other places...)

ANY ideas???
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