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Old 05-08-2011, 06:05 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by adawnelliott View Post
Hello everyone- I regret that my first post here is one asking for advice/help but I'm very concerned.

My yorkie is a year old (his birthday was "Cinco de Mayo") and he's never really been sick. Everyone in our house has been sick (people wise) and I didn't think much of it because as far as I know, dogs can't get human colds/flus, etc. Anyway, Frankie started sneezing a few days ago, but he does sneeze once in a while. I'd noticed he'd had clear discharge running from one side of his nose too, and I cleaned him up and didn't think anything of it except maybe allergies or the weather change.

Since he was small, he has always had a habit of sticking his tongue out a little on one side of his mouth. Incidentally, it's the same side as the nostril that was runny as well. Today, literally overnight, he's now missing a patch of hair right under his nose, and it looks a little bit inflamed.

He also seems kind of "slow". He isn't as interested in treats as usual, and he also just kinds of stands around and looks confused when I take him outside....he doesn't really want to walk around. He's also seeming to keep his tongue to that side of his mouth and while he was in "slow" mode, he had a lot of discharge from his nose and/or mouth in that area. (Just this once that I've spotted.)

But then he'll have these bursts of activity where he's playing and running and jumping and everything seems fine.

I'm really not sure what's going on. I didn't think his nose was runny enough to irritate him that badly that his hair would fall out overnight. (No, he hasn't been itching, either.) I've only seen him with a runny nose a few times, and it was clear (no sign of infection) and also after a sneeze.

Any ideas what's going on?

Thanks in advance for any help.

PS- I attached a picture so you can see what I'm talking about.
Re: animals catching human illnesses: We had a cat get the "stomach flu" to the point we thought she would die...would vomit and was too weak to pull her head out of it. Naturally, had the vet come out. He asked if anyone had had the flu recently. I told him my son had been very sick the week before and that cat always slept with him.
Which he just basically nodded and said 'hmmm'. So I mentioned I didn't think illnesses such as that pass between species and he replied..."technically/everything we learn says it doesn't pass, but in his experience (which was over 25 yrs) every time a dog/cat gets a bad 'cold' or 'stomach ailment' (not linked to something else definitive) it seems like some person in the house had been sick similarly just previous" He concluded he believes it's possible since he's seen so much of it.
IDK, interesting to say the least.
So maybe your little guy did catch something and has licked the hair off trying to get to his nose (seeing he can't blow it himself!!)
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