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Old 05-07-2011, 05:24 AM   #36
YT 500 Club Member
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Originally Posted by hdynad View Post
Just thought i would add my 2cents, haha, anyway her in texas our little ones are doing quite well on a raw diet i pre make and freeze and just thaw out daily meals. Jack, jill, chuey & Phoebe love their raw. Took me a while to get it right but what i do is take a meat grinder and grind a combination of chicken, stew meat, ground turkey (or beef) chicken liver, beef heart, chicken gizzards, green trype. I add plain yogurt, 1 large can solid pack pumpkin and some gerber baby squash. When all this is mixed together it comes out like a thin hamburger i simply divide it out for what mine eat per day and just freeze it. About 10 min before dinner i simply put some hot water in my sink and thaw out my bag. Mine get fed once a day they get small amount of instinct duck kibble
and 2 heaping teaspoons of the raw, i don't mix it i just put the kibble in the bowl and then add the 2 spoons of raw. I also sometime will add venison or quail. also once a week i let them have a raw chicken wing which as all of you know helps to keep their teeth clean. It takes me about 1 hour from start to finish on a saturday afternoon and i make enough to feed my dogs for about 6 weeks. This works out to be far cheaper than when i was doing all instinct and prairie kibble and better for them.

treats in our house consist of some homemade baked treats as well as green trype,

peanut butter , bully sticks, stuffed trachias, venison jerkey

Again this works for us all of you know your dogs and will find what works best for you.

good luck with raw!!!!!!!

Darla (jack, jill, chuey and phoebes mom)
Welcome to Yorkie Talk That's similar to what my "plan" was lol. I may start doing it that way in the future, the only thing I have to be carefull of is that I have two sensative tummies here, so it would be a little more tricky to figure out what they could handle without getting runny stools (learned that the hard way when I started). I definatly know if I used a lot of organs and trype I would have a huge mess on my hands (well the floor and yard anyway lol). That sounds like a great way to go though and if I can get my hands on a meat grinder one of these days, I may do some experimenting Sounds like a good recipie
Jenn, mom to: Dayton , Alice ,Darla, Miya , Summer & Chooch
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