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Old 04-25-2011, 11:11 AM   #11
rocky raccoon
Yorkie Yakker
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Join Date: May 2007
Location: Chino Hills, CA
Posts: 70
Default Play care TERROR

I had little Rocky at play care last week while I traveled to LA. He was there Monday morning to Thursday morning.

When I picked him up he seemed off to me. On the way home he got worse. Could not stand, was shaking like crazy and twitching.

Straight to the animal hospital, and he was in a hypoglycemic state. Low really low blood sugar. Rocky is 5 years old. We got him stable, and surmised that he was left to play hard with dogs larger than he and was not supervised to ensure he was eating enough. In addition, the added stress to his body from playing and running so hard since a 6 lb Yorkie has to work twice as hard to cover the same ground that a 15lb small dog just wore him out completely.

I believe that my day care is full of loving caring responsible people but they are not able to properly supervise each dog and did not understand the stress levels a very small dog could be exposed to.

Take-away from this. I will make sure I have detailed instructions that he is to be feed, while supervised 3 times a day and that play time is limited to twice a day with rest inbetween, OR I will find a caring home sitter that can watch the dogs in my house. His new baby sister Lilly arrives today from the mainland.
Every day is a good day when it's a doggie day

Last edited by rocky raccoon; 04-25-2011 at 11:14 AM.
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