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Old 12-28-2005, 08:23 PM   #6
Yorkies Rock My World!
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Default Excellent! You have learned much already!

Chris, I am so impressed how much you have learned already! Nicely done!

You are right, it may take some time and patience to show your pup you have changed your style, but I am guessing he will catch on.Your puppy is still very young, so he should be able to change some of his behaviors pretty quickly. Let's take a look at each item:

Lick is really a sweetheart, but he rarely listens he knows there is something in it for him or I raise my voice.
It's OK to treat while training. As time goes on and your pup learns the behavior you are training him, you can cut back the treats to every other time, then fewer, until you are only praising. But a treat now and then only enforces that you love the pup and he is special. The important part is PRAISE. Every time there is good behavior, PRAISE, pet, treat.

So far he knows sit, stay (for about 10 seconds), and lay down.
That's actually a pretty good start! If you can get him to stay for 10 seconds, that's great. Release him from his Stay with a happy and chipper "OK"! and praise and treat. Then try for 12 seconds. Remember at this age the attention span of your pup is probably 10-15 minutes, so keep your sessions short and concentrate on one behavior each session. Praise praise praise. And try to work on COME. This one can save your dog's life.

Some of his other behaviors are growling while playing with a toy, the cat, or when playing tug o war with me; eating everything, to include rocks and sticks while on walks; and jumping and playing on the furniture.
Growling is not uncommon, and part of play. If you feel that your pup is getting aggressive, that's a different issue that we can cover later. Eating everything is also common, as your babe is teething big time. Offer other safe chew things. There are awesome toys out there. Jumping and playing on furniture is OK with some people, not with me. Make sure your pup has a nice soft bed that he loves on the floor, and he won't need your furniture. Train him with an OFF, assist him down, show him his nice soft bed, and reward/praise when he listens.If he is chewing on the furniture, get some Bitter Apple Spray. That'll stop him!

Strong arm tactics have had limited results, but I don't think they will work long term.
Again, CONGRATS! I am really proud of you! You are on your way to a happy and pleasant doggy relationship! HOORAY!
Mom to Jasper, Wosie & Dreama, RIP sweet babies.
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