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Old 03-22-2011, 04:05 AM   #1
YT 1000 Club Member
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Default How do you save money.....

So, I was watching this show... Extreme Couponing on TLC, and got me thinking. So what do you do that saves you money, with raising gas, grocery, power, and lord knows what else. I'm only 22 and spend a fortune on groceries for me and the bf plus Harley and we don't eat all that much fancy food, I'm wondering how I'm ever going to start saving money...

So some of my key things (oh and I'm in Canada which makes some saving things more difficult): I have a PC Mastercard, and try to buy everything on it (and hopefully pay it off right away) so that I get grocery points. I have an air miles card and when I shop at the other grocery store I buy things that give extra points. I also use sites like but there really aren't a lot of Canadian coupon sites. Also at school if I use my student ID to pay for things, I get 5% back (you put money on it like a debit card to buy on campus).

Oh and I always gas up somewhere I can get points. Usually the grocery store cause it turns directly into grocery $$

So what can I be doing better.
Harley, you were the light in my life, rest peacefully my love!
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