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Old 03-20-2011, 08:37 PM   #25
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Since I started this thread out of outrage...

I wanted to add I didn't do to pick on "teacups" or offend those that have one, but a "teacup" is a dog under 3 lbs which if bed bred responsible (dam over a minimum of 5 lbs) will happen...but the intentional breeding of "teacups" is irresponsible in the health of breeding dogs and the pups produced...this however was just too much for me.

I hope if the breeders of such receive such overwhelming negative feedback (maybe in a positive educational way) they will end their irresponsible breeding...and become educated to what they are doing...furthermore people coming here will also be educated in why this is irresponsible as an attempted breeding outcome.
Shan & 8 kids now!

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