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Old 03-03-2011, 10:48 AM   #129
Senior Yorkie Talker
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Originally Posted by Maximo View Post
Becca, sending best wishes for your little one. If I understand correctly, the shunt was discovered when your baby was 3 years old. Is this unusual for a congenital shunt to go undetected that long? I'm asking because Max will be 3 later this year.
That I'm not qualified to answer (as far as going undected for so long) - probably someone else on here is more qualified. I'd say there were "signs" maybe a couple months before the shunt was discovered when she was 3 - but when starting out, they seemed minor, once in a while some vomiting, once in a while a bit lethargic and I could not (no matter how many times I took her outside all hours of the night) get her potty trained - that seemed to be the most noticeable problem and drinking more water than usual. When there were too many things not adding up, is when we got busy trying to figure out what was wrong - I had never heard of a liver shunt in Yorkies and we had two previous long-lived Yorkies with not an ounce of a health problem. But, we did not buy from a reputable dealer and that was a big lesson I learned! Once she was diagnosed I came onto YT to learn about shunts - just wish I had checked with this forum BEFORE I bought her.
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