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Old 02-24-2011, 11:38 AM   #1
Yorkie Yakker
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Animal Smiley 019 Welcoming home a new puppy into our family: advice please

A few days ago I introduced myself- now I'm asking for some advice (probably the first of many times!)

We hope to bring our new little dude home in mid-March. My girls have Spring Break then and will have all week to love on him and bond with him. It will probably be really hard for them to return to school! Once we get the puppy I want them to pick out some of his toys, bowls, etc. so they feel ownership right away. (I've already bought food, a crate, a bed, a playpen, and am researching harnesses) My oldest is 9 and my middle daughter is 7- they will (hopefully) feel like this is their shared puppy and each feel a connection to him. I also have an almost 2 yr old. Yes, I am very aware that she will need constant supervision when she's around the puppy. She has actually come w/ us to the breeder's home 2ce, (thank heaven she doesn't talk much or she'd ruin the surprise!) and has done great with the puppies. We are an animal-loving family, and all my girls know they are expected to always be gentle with any animal- but ESPECIALLY the puppy. But, like I said, my toddler won't be allowed to be with or handle the puppy by herself.

We also have a mostly indifferent cat, a guinea pig, and MY dog- a 12 yr old Lhasa. He was my baby before my babies and is spoiled rotten. He loves the girls, but it is clear that he is MY dog. Follows me everywhere and if my lap is empty, he wants in it! LOL! Rosco ignores cats, finds the guinea pig interesting, and has always gotten along great with other dogs. I'm so hoping the new puppy will eventually be like a little brother to him. I'm sure there will be a period of adjustment for him once the little dude comes home...

So now that you know "my story" here on my questions: (sorry it took so long to get to them!)

* Is there anything I'm missing re: supplies for the puppy? Other than the last-minute things we can get after the girls meet him. We've got a Petsmart and Petco in town.

* Any advice on how to help Rosco get used to the new puppy? They also will NEVER be allowed to be together unsupervised and will have separate feeding areas. Rosco sleeps with me, and the pup will sleep in a crate in the girls' room (for now).

* I'm a SAHM. Once the girls are in school, I am fully aware that I will be caring for the puppy. No problem- I'm looking forward to it. But, will the puppy eventually respond more to ME as his master? How can I prevent that? The girls will finish school at the end of May, then they can be more involved in the daily needs of the little dude.

Thank you all so much for taking the time to read all this and any advice you can share!

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