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Old 02-16-2011, 02:13 PM   #1
Yorkie Yakker
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Join Date: Jul 2010
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Posts: 25
Default Ectopic cilia! Pet insurance for pre-existing conditions?

Okay guys, I haven't been here in awhile, but now I have a huge problem! My little ten month old Oliver has been having eye issues for the last three months. The vet has been treating him for an eye ulcer that just wouldn't go away. Then, 2.5 weeks ago, the vet said it was complete healed (after trying every kind of eye drop out there)! I was doubtful because Oliver was still squinting, but I figured it must be because of the corneal scarring he had from the ulcer. But a few days later, his eye was fully closed...AGAIN. I promptly took him to the vet last Friday (it was a different vet in the office that day). The ulcer was back and he now had dry eye! She diagnosed two eye drops (Tybromycin for the ulcer, and a lubricant for the dry eye). She took a microscope and looked into his eye, but said that she could not see anything that was causing the ulcers. She had me follow up with her yesterday...the ulcer was worse. She immediately called a dog opthamologist (I didn't even know they existed...) and scheduled an appointment for an hour later. We went, and the opthamologist said that he had an ectopic cilia (basically, a single eyelash growing from a glad in between the layers of the eyelid that is rubbing against the cornea- so it's an eyelash growing toward the eyeball, instead of away from it). We were relieved that it was not something more serious...and then she brought the estimate. $1996.99!

I just feel awful. We have spent $1000+ in treating these dang ulcers, which didn't work because that stupid little hair is the CAUSE of the ulcers, so the ulcers won't go away until it is removed. I am so frustrated because the opthamologist was insinuating that I was a bad mom for not getting the surgery done right away yesterday, but I literally had no way to pay for it, plus I wanted to get a second opinion. I had spent so much money caring for my poor baby, and there is nothing more that I want in the world then to ensure that Oliver is healthy. I am frustrated that the vet did not catch this or refer us to the opthamologist earlier...that $1000+ did absolutely nothing to help my baby.

I read that this is a hereditary condition in yorkies. Will this surgery be covered under ANY pet insurance? Is there any way to reclaim any of the money paid to my vet, when the methods used did nothing to heal my baby? Please help!
Mama to Oliver & Emma
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