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Old 02-10-2011, 10:22 AM   #137
YT 500 Club Member
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Location: Cape town, South Africa
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I'm sorry to hear about your housetraining issues, but buying a play pen was a great move. I use that for house training and have had great success. My youngest puppy (5 months) doesn't have accidents except at night when he can't go out and he learned it from June, who was trained with a pen.

The fact that she won't go in her bed is going to be your main tool. Dogs understand where their den is and they don't want to soil it. Gradually, the size of the 'den' becomes bigger as the puppy gets older.

When you can't watch her and prevent her from having an accident, put her in the pen with her bed, water, toys and the potty patch. This way, she will get used to going on the patch because she won't have a choice.

When you take her out of the pen, take her right outside (or to the potty spot), use a potty word (just as she is finishing) and praise & treat her. Once she is used to this, you can start making her area larger. If she has more accidents, you simply make it smaller again.

I hope this helps! And remember, Yorkies ARE hard to house train and you need to be able to forgive accidents for the next few months. Some Yorkies are only trained at two years and others at 5 months, it depends on the dog and how consistent you are. Good luck!
Cash & Orio RIP Beautiful Joni
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