Thread: Terrible 2's???
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Old 02-09-2011, 06:40 AM   #1
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Default Terrible 2's???

....ok so Oliver isn't 2 but I'm starting to wonder if 10 months old is the equilavent to the terrible 2's in people years. I'm at my wit's end and don't know what to do! This past month Oliver has been barking at EVERYTHING that makes the slightest peep outside the door or in the house, he feels the need to snap at other dogs during our walks now (he never did that before) and during the night he JUST WON'T SLEEP I always wait to go to bed until he is fast asleep on my lap on the couch so that he'll go right to sleep in bed with me. Well lately he'll fall asleep but as soon as we go to bed he wants to continually jump off the bed, bark at us because he wants to play and the end result is I end up sleeping on the couch because that seems to be the only spot he'll fall asleep with me.

My poor BF loves Oliver so much and tries to help out as much as he can but we are just not getting any sleep and disciplining him is going nowhere. I've tried the water bottles for his barking and they used to work wonders but lately they haven't worked at all. I've tried wearing him out during the day and before bed so that he'll be tired enough to sleep through the night but even that doesn't seem to be working I would like to put him in daycare every day so that he can play with the other dogs but that would be $500 a month and I just can't afford that right now I know I sound like a huge complainer and I apologize but I just would love some advice on what I should do or to know if this is just a phase. Any help would be MUCH appreciated!
Kelly, mommy to little Oliver
"The more boys I meet, the more I love my dog."
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