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Old 02-05-2011, 05:25 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by kjcmsw View Post
We've seen a spate of dying puppies here on YT lately and it is heartbreaking; I truly hope Lilly gets better.

It doesn't say whether or not the puppy was shipped to her. But I agree there sure does seem to be a lot of new puppies on YT that are sick, etc.
So my question is, why are they getting so sick and/or dying within a few days of coming home?
How did the breeder keep such a sick pup alive and able to be viewed, handled, chosen by the buyer and then ends up so sick, and suddenly sick at that??
Or are the pups being bought online and then shipped and the shipping is creating an illness or adding to a minor existing one making it significant?[/QUOTE]

That could be one cause. the puppies are almost always sick the whole time. if a buyer is well researched they will notice signs or ask questions and they will take the pup to the vet first thing when they buy it. under researched buyers will not go see the pup and just buy and have it shipped or go pick it up and see it for the first time the day they buy it. some owners don't know the symptoms of sickness in a dog. things like worms and such aren't visible. bad breeders pump dogs full of syrups and sugars to make them look lively until sold, later on they die of sugar crashes and all their illnesses. some dogs develop diseases from the breeders home but don't show signs until later on. it's all just an awful situation that is on the part of the bad breeders and in some cases the bad owners that buy them. (not saying the OP is one of these bad owners here)
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