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Old 01-27-2011, 12:46 PM   #32
♥ Maximo and Teddy
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Originally Posted by Verodoll View Post
Ok wow I have been using a LOT. My poor baby! So does she probably have build up? Should I do the soap thing first?

I also have a question. Layla is 4.5 months old. I ran into a yorkie puppy who was five months old and her hair was so long! They all grow hair at different rates, right? Layla's hair will grow long eventually...right? (I honestly think I know the answers to all these questions but I need reassurance ) because I can not wait until her hair is long and flowy I wonder if the fact that I haven't been bathing her right has to do with her hair not growing a lot?

Oh, yes, P.S I sent an email asking for free samples of the fluffy puppy and the silk rinse!
Hair growth is primarily genetics and nutrition. Some coats grow faster than others. A really good pure silk coat will often grow slowly. Between my 2 boys, Teddy's hair grows faster than Max's does.

Your pup could take up to a year for the hair to be flowing, and up to 2-3 years for a full Yorkie coat like you see on show dogs.
Kristin, Max and Teddy

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