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Old 01-13-2011, 11:18 AM   #33
YT 2000 Club
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Here is what I think (and I own two guard and protection dogs), almost any member of the working group, some members of the herding group are not for the first time dog owners, or even second time dog owners, unless they commit to continued obedience training.

I wonder sometimes when folks use the term an "aggressive" dog, just what they mean by that? If a dog responds to an attack by another dog, or an attack by a person, is that aggression? Or is that a simple self preservation.

Let me share a story, and then say what I think this "dog's" problem was. It was the day before our first National specialty here in Canada. After the regular competition on that Friday, I was talking with the woman who owned the two year old dog who won BOB for our breed. I asked to see her dog, she brought him out, he was fine saying hi to me, and letting me to go over him. Then I stepped back about 6 or so feet and sat on a convenient grooming table (my feet were tired), we continued to chat. I was casually swinging my foot, and to my embarassment wasn't paying too much attention to the dog, and all of a sudden he lunged for me, and nipped my foot. I screamed, I was so shocked! There was little damage done, just a skin tear that bleed a fair bit, but basically I was okay.

So was this an aggressive dog?

The answer is..................... too early to put that "label" on him. It was a dog, in my opinion a dog that wasn't particularly balanced in his temperament at that time. For our breed two years old is still an immature dog, a teenager if you will. Further questioning of the owner, elicited the following information; she had started protection training with the dog when he was 14 months old (way to young btw to start full out protection training), then noticed that her dog was getting more guardey and so she stopped the training (another poor decision). And she had done nothing since removing him from that program!! Another poor decision.

Through our club and concerned members here and across the border, this dog is now getting the training he needs in order to be a stable, and balanced citizen of the world.
Razzle and Dara. Our clan. RIP Karma Dec 24th 2004-July 14 2013 RIP Zoey Jun9 th 2008-May 12 2012. RIP Magic,Mar 26 2006July 1st 2018
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