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Old 12-19-2005, 11:24 AM   #1
Toby's Human
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Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Ohio
Posts: 335
Default Big survey, really really get to know one another!!!

1.Name: Ash, Ashley, Hunny, Pooh, Princess---take your pick
2. Dad's Name: Phil
3. Mom's Name: Lois
4. Birthday: Nov. 10, 1984
5. Last time you showered: This morning
6. What color pants do you have on right now: I don't wear pants. Seriously!7. What song are you listening to right now: None
8. Last four digits in your phone number: 2409 (but not necessarily in that order)
9. Last thing you ate: Meatloaf and MT. Dew
10. Weirdest name you have ever heard: Bertha Yeah, I know it's not that odd, but it just sounds weird when I say it. Bertha....see? Weird.
11. Fav. radio station: Sirius Radio
12. If you were a crayon, what color would you be: Ceralean
13. Last movie you saw: Yaya Sisterhood
14. Where do you want to go on your honeymoon:If I could go again, Cancun, or Hawaii, or Paris.
15. Have you ever been in love: Yes, 2 times
16. Who do you want to marry right now: My husband Josh, again and again
17. Last book I read: Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas
18. Do you have a pager: afraid not
19. Lava lamp: not anymore
20. How many buds on your buddy list: none at the moment, will you be my bud?
21. What's the weather: Bitter cold
22. What did you do last night: went to a christmas banquet for my church.
23. Who are you talking to online right now: noone.
24. Name backwards: eman, or Yelhsa
25. Screen name: too complicated a question, do you want current, and if so, for which service....there are so many to choose from
26. Sexiest thing about the opposite sex: I like big butts and I cannot lie, all you other brothers can't deny....hold on, wrong forum for that kind of thing huh? I'll say the eyes Pat. The eyes.
27. If you had a genie what wish would you make: Um, I would wish for a lifetime of wishes.
28. Fav. CD: LIVE 'the distance to here'.
29. Where ya going tomorrow: I don't even know where I'm going today yet
30. Who do you most admire:I never think about this stuff....Hmmmm. Pat Sayjak? LOL
31. Are you happy: I'm probably Dopey or Sneezy
32. What are you looking forward to this summer: the warm
33. Would you pierce your nose, tongue or belly button: no, no, no....but I have considered getting inked
34. Be serious or funny: I'll stick with Dopey or Sneezy, I've never heard of these two
35. Boxers or briefs: Panties--no t-backed underdrawers
36. Whole or Skim milk: 2% milk, is good, especially on some Cap N Crunch
37. Simple or complicated: occasionally
38. Law or anarchy: GRACE
39. Grey or Gray: Grey clouds, Gray shirt
40. Night or Day: Night
41. Color or black and white photos: of whom?
42. Sunrise or Sunset: sunset at the beach, sunrise in the mountains
43. Rap or Rock: typically I like rock
44. Stay up late or early:Late
45. Is it POP or SODA: POP
46. X or O in Tic-Tac-Toe: people still play that?
47. Eat an apple or an orange: drink an apple, eat an orange
48. What came first, the chicken or the egg: Chicken, without a doubt....yeah Regis, that's my final answer, chicken, yeah...chicken.
49. Tall or short guys/girls: I don't think I want a guy/girl, sounds kinda weird...I'll stick with my husband who is about a foot taller than I am.
50. Sun or moon: The Sun baby, the SUN !!!!
51. Emerald or ruby:Emerald
52. Pants or shorts: Pants
53. Left or right: of what? Right
54. 10 acquintances or one best friend: go with the best friend every time
55. Vanilla or Chocolate ice cream: Chocolate
56. Green Beans or carrots: I refuse to eat poor defenseless vegetables that have no way to protect themselves from the money-grubbing murdering farmers who pluck them from their comfy little homes.
57. Hair in pony tail or leave it down: leave it down
58. Silver jewelry or gold jewelry: I like white gold
59. Kids or no kids: no kids
60. Dogs or cats: yorkies, of course
61. Half-full or half empty: room for more
62. Mustard or Ketchup: both and mayo too.
63. Hardcover books or softcover books: as long as you're reading them it doesn't matter
64. Newspaper or magazine:magazines
65. Catsup or Ketchup: Ketchup
66. Sandals or sneakers: sandals flip flops, thongs
67. Wonder or amazement: awe
68. Red car or white car: Red
69. Happy and poor or rich and sad: happy and poor
70. Singing or dancing: both
71. Hug or kiss: both
72. Corduroy or plaid: neither
73. Happy or sad: Happy
74. Live or die: " live is Christ, to die is gain..."
75. Ben Affleck or Matt Damon: Ben
76. Fav. Person online: I dunno that one yet, start the bribery.
77. Braces: you'd need teeth for those, right? LOL jK
78. Fav. movies: Notebook, Seven, National Treasure.
79. Fav Drink: Mt. Dew, margarita's,
80. Fav Musical: Ummm.
81. Fav Car: Mazda 323.
82. Fav TV show: The Gauntlet
83. What color hair do you prefer for the opposite sex: brown
84. Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi,
85. Fav store at the mall: American Eagle.
86. Fav store anywhere: Complete Pet mart
87. Siblings: 3
88. Is this survey stupid: are my answers stupid?
89. Least fav subject in school: ah, to be back in school...chemistry really bored me
90. Thing you hate to admit that's true about you that's embarrassing: I'm not tellin'
91. Would you rather be single or taken: taken
92. Do you have a b/f or g/f: I am married
93. Who is the last person you talked to on the phone: a customer
94. How many e-mail addresses do you have: 3
95. Do you keep your car messy or clean: try hard to keep it clean, but it is messy now.
Ashley Toby
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