Thread: Help please
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Old 12-27-2010, 02:28 AM   #12
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The DDHP (or something like that I forget the abbreviation but its the one in the puppy series) bordatella and lepto. And yes, I did not know that you are only suppose to administer one shot at a time and the vet took advantage of my lack of knowledge and she almost wanted to give him FOUR (the rabies one) but I stopped her because I told her that he wasn't old enough. Apparently, someone wrote his age down wrong in the front staff, if I hadn't stopped her she would have given him rabies as well! He was extremely lethargic for two days and threw up almost two days worth of food the following day and then he seemed better. When I called emergency they had the audacity to tell me that his reaction was due to pain and "discomfort" and nothing to do with the amount of vaccines given to a small dog. The vet also led me to believe that Lepto was extremely common in my area, but as far as I know its probably not even a significant amount and just wanted to get me to buy another shot. Teddy was doing better, and I gave him benadryl the first day (1/2 a teaspoon) because he seemed to be experienced flu like symptoms I guess as a reaction to all the shots, and he did a lot better the next day, but then tonight I made the terrible mistake I made and I have not had much sleep. When he's sleeping he doesn't make any sniffling noises, but when he's awake he does...can it just be that he feels the discomfort when he's awake like maybe his pipes are irritated or something? It sounds more of a nose thing than a lung thing.
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