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Old 12-22-2010, 02:40 PM   #116
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Originally Posted by Rhetts_mama View Post
Actually, I beg to differ. The term "hybrid dog" has nothing to do with a 50/50 mixture and everything to do with marketing by less than reputable breeders. In the past, the term mixed breed was used to describe these litters, as they were almost always a "whoops" and not planned for profit.

I would suggest that you take a look at the history of how the yorkie breed came in to being. It wasn't done willy nilly to fuel a marketing craze. The breed came in to being after the careful selection of the "parent" breeds for specific traits. And then, only the best examples of the breeds were used to create the Yorkie. Careful records were kept by selected breeders and the crosses were bred to crosses to create the Yorkie as we know it today.

That's a far cry from what's being done with this "hybrid" craze. Anyone with an off-standard yorkie will breed it to another off-standard dog to make it the latest trend. There is no "end goal" in sight, other than the almighty buck.

I do love Yorkies. Badly bred ones included. In fact, I have two badly bred ones that came from rescues. But the badly bred ones have helped create the many problems we see in the population today. The breed standard is set for a reason, and it's to maintain the integrity of the lines.

As for Biewers (which I think are gorgeous), there is a lot of controversy depending on who you talk to about their origin. There is a reason the AKC doesn't recognize them here, yet. I have no idea if they ever will. Same goes for Parti's. Chesapeake retrievers were recognized by the AKC in 1878. They trace their origins to Newfoundlands that were then bred to a multiple variety of dogs to attain the breed known today. No one tossed two dogs in to a room and, low and behold, a new breed was born.
good post!
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