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Old 12-21-2010, 10:58 AM   #1
Brodies Mommy
Senior Yorkie Talker
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Westbury, NY, USA
Posts: 79
Default Brodie has a Stomach Bug??

Hello again everyone! It has been 3 months since Brodie's surgery and to date he has been doing great!!! His incisions are all healed and he has no difficulty voiding out of his new "slit".

That being said, Brodie appears to have fallen ill. After briefly scanning YT it seems a stomach bug is passing around? Brodie has vomited once on Sunday and then again today, several times in a row what appeared to be bile? I brought him to the vet first thing in the morning Monday after his first vomiting episode. She took his temperature, listened to his heart, lungs and looked into his ears. Everything was fine. She said he had a very mild cold and asked if he had been around other animals. He hasn't been and she couldn't understand where he had picked it up. She sent him home with .4ml clavamox twice a day to get rid of the congestion.

Brodie has had so many problems and surgeries that I know I am paranoid about him so thought I'd ask you guys... he still isn't eating other than a few cheerios or a tiny cube of cheddar cheese. He will not consider his doggie food at all. He is drinking plenty and urinating but hasn't pooed since Saturday evening. He is very tired and lethargic and just wants to snuggle against me. Often he will start to tremble. Having a inoperable liver shunt it is hard for me to get something nutritional into him that won't cause him more harm (I can't make him chicken and rice- rice yes, chicken no, and plain rice wouldn't be that great for him). What to do?! Think my vet is right and it is just a bug?
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