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Old 12-16-2005, 10:53 AM   #11
Toby's Human
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Dollar will get this sooner or later....Trust me!
I agree with crating him especially if he is going in your bed. Remember to start slow and gradually work up the time.
I know how you are feeling,and I am blessed that he is finally getting it.
Are you there with him all the time? I thought you said you worked in other posts. If you are not than I would suggest that you put him in the crate while you are gone, depending on the amount of time of course, or putting him in the bathroom with a puppy pad, food and water. Even if you don't want to use puppy pads when he does get trained, I would give him a designated place to go, until he learns how to let you know that he has to go potty. Eventually you can move the pad closer to the door and then finally take them away for good.
When you take him outside say "go potty" or "go peepee", whatever words you want to use with him. Have 2 separate commands for each 'deed'. He will eventually learn these commands and go when you tell him. You have to be persistant and let him out about every hour or so and especially after eating and exersize of any kind. And remember to PraIse!! When he goes outside act like he ended world hunger, or something. Don't just say good boy, say, "Good job Dollar, that's a good boy, go potty outside, good boy!!!" and then REPEAT!
I would also suggest hanging bells from your door handle. We bought the big Christmas bells at Walmart for 1.97 for 4, and then tied string speaker wire around them and then the door. Every time we take Toby out we make him ring the bell by putting his paws on the bells. When he does this we praise and say good boy Toby outside, outside, outside, (to teach him what outside means) then open the door and let him out. Always take him out that door.
The best thing to do is ignore bad behavior, and not punish him for going inside, I know this is hard, but don't even yell at him. It doesn't seem to be doing any good, because now he is trained to hide and go where you cannot see him. Just clean it up, and go on.
I truly hope this helps, we are in this all together. If you need any more advice, just ask, or pm me. I am here for you.
Ashley Toby
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